
Reproductive Care

  • The Harrier is a typical scent hound: born with a love of the hunt and the desire to follow his nose wherever it leads. But he's more than that when he's given the chance. He's a mild-mannered sort, tolerant and good with children.

  • Who could resist that fuzzy face? The Havanese is a delightful companion for all ages. They have plenty of stamina to keep up with the most energetic child. Bichon-type dogs often perform in circuses and happily show off tricks for their families and other spectators.

  • Hemophilia A and B are clotting disorders involving a deficiency of a specific clotting factor (A: Factor VIII, B: Factor IX) needed for appropriate homeostasis. They are caused by a sex-linked recessive genetic mutation. Affected dogs will show inappropriate hemorrhage including bruising, lameness induced by bleeding into joints and body cavity hemorrhage. It can be diagnosed with a slow APTT and demonstrating low levels of the factor involved. Hemophilia A is more common than B and is generally, more severe. Because it is sex-linked recessive, males are more likely to be affected than females but females still act as carriers, so genetic screening is important prior to breeding to prevent this disease.

  • Abortion is the delivery of a dead foal and its placenta before an age at which the foal would have been able to survive independently. This is usually taken to be up to day 300-310 of gestation.

  • With the elegance of a deer, the Ibizan Hound can leap great heights from a standstill. Unlike most sight hounds, the Ibizan Hound usually barks when chasing. She is fast, sweet, and beautiful, yet few people have ever met one.

  • These hardworking dogs are tough and energetic, but don't be fooled – they are people-dogs. Cheerful, friendly, inquisitive and playful, they are definitely happiest when they have a job to do, such as playing ball, herding, agility and obedience activities.

  • Infertility in a queen (an intact female cat) is defined as the inability to give birth to live kittens, despite appropriate breeding with a fertile male. This handout provides an outline of common causes of infertility along with how they are diagnosed and, when possible, treated.

  • Infertility in a female dog is defined as the inability to conceive and deliver viable puppies, even when mated multiple times with a known fertile male surrounding the time of ovulation. This handout outlines the varying causes of infertility in female dogs and how they may be diagnosed and treated.

  • Male infertility refers to the inability of a sexually mature tomcat (intact male cat) to impregnate a fertile female. This handout explains the possible causes of infertility in male cats as well as how they may be diagnosed and, when possible, treated.

  • Infertility in a male dog is defined as the inability to produce a successful pregnancy in a fertile female, even with multiple breedings near the time of ovulation. The causes of infertility fall under three broad categories: failure to copulate or ejaculate, poor semen quality, and prostatic disease. This handout explains the possible causes in detail, as well as methods to diagnose and treat them.

As a new client of Vineland Animal Hospital you can expect our full attention to your pets’ needs. When you arrive for your appointment, you will be greeted warmly and we’ll usher you into...

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Thursday8:00am – 5:00pm
Friday8:00am – 5:00pm
Saturday9:00am – 1:00pm

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